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PHP problem: different version in server side and local side....


Aku menghadapi masalah besarrrrrrr apabila aku mentransfer file from local server to live server.sangat durjana oke masalah tuh...TAPI aku kan bijakk kah kah...perasan lagi en google la yg tolong....huh akhirnya penyelesaian telah ku temui...

Antara Masalah;

1- notice: undefined index:
huh korang bayang kan ada lebih 200 file yg ada masalah "notice" nih..naik muntah darah aku nengok..akhirnya solution nyer adalah rujuk here

"error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);"

korang tepek je kat 1st line page korang if korang ada include file utuk connection..just tepek kat situ...sng....

huh legaaaa....

2- how to include to config file... yang ni aku pikir sendiri...try n error...tak da rujuk mana2

declare kat config.php

mysql_connect('localhost','', '');
$db1 = "dbname1";
$db2 = "dbname2";
mysql_select_db($db1) or die ('Error connecting to mysql');
mysql_select_db($db2) or die ('Error connecting to mysql');

then kat page.php


masa korang paggil nama table kat SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ke, just paggil samada $db1 @ $db2..sng...siap...selamat dapat solution kalau tak ***Sila bunuh diri***


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